Grab a Beer VOLUME 8 with CHIP LASKY

Our February GAB is with our industry friend Chip Lasky (@claskytac). There is a lot to say about this guy – He is well known in the industry and back into his operating days and like he says "I used to do cool shit"
So, belly up to the bar and get personal with our February operator, Chip Lasky.
What is your happy place?
Anywhere with my wife, dogs, and/or friends. I know that sounds cliché.
What do you avoid at all costs?
- Arguing with my wife. I never win.
What is the trait you most dislike in yourself?
- I am long-winded when talking. My whole family is like that. It drives me nuts.
What is the trait you most dislike in others?
- Lazy/entitled/weak-minded attitudes.
Which living person do you most admire?
- You wouldn’t know them.
What is your most extravagant purchase to-date?
- My truck. I wouldn’t call it extravagant. But it was a lot of money for me.
What was your state of mind as you walked into this bar?
- “I hope they have a good bourbon selection”
On what occasion do you lie (we know you NEVER do)?
- If I know the truth is going to really hurt someone I care about. And even then, I haven’t often done it.
What one thing would you change about your appearance?
- I’d get my nose fixed. It’s been broken 5 times. Everyone says it’s part of my character. But I’m pretty self-conscious of it.

Which living person would you put on a dinghy and push out to sea?
- I only get to choose one? Can I use a barge and just put the entirety of the Democrat Party on it?
What is the #1 quality men should possess?
- Strength: in mind, body, and spirit
What is the #1 quality women should possess?
- Strength: in mind, body, and spirit
Which words or phrases do you say waaaay too much?
- I tend to end explanations by saying “soooo… yeah.” I don’t know why. I think I got it from my mom.
What can’t you live without?
- Air and water. Anyone who says different is lying.
What is your most treasured, non-essential item?
- My dog’s ashes. She passed away a little over a year ago. Miss her every day.
Which super-hero talent would you most like to have?
- I’m not sure this would be a super-hero talent. But I would want the ability to teleport anywhere and to any time in history so I could witness history with my own eyes without anyone knowing I was there. I’d love to see ancient world and be present at historically significant events – partly because I am fascinated with history… and partly because I want to see if historians got it right.
If you could change one thing about yourself before the end of the day, what would it be?
- I’d slow down.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
- Serving in a special operations unit with some of the greatest men I’ve ever known.
If you were to die and come back as an animal, which would it be?
- Holy shit: I was literally just thinking about this the other day. Don’t ask why. I’d have to say a Toy Poodle. I spoiled the hell out of mine.
Where would you most like to live in retirement?
- Florida. It’s where us Jews go to retire. Plus they have great gun laws.

What is the most essential piece of Gear for your passion?
- Swedish-Made Penis Enlarging Pump.
What do you procrastinate most?
- House work
What would people say is your most prominent visual characteristic?
- My nose. I thought we covered this already…
What is your dream job (if you aren’t already doing it)?
- I’m actually pretty happy where I’m at. But I did just see an Instagram video of some dude who uses those muscle massagers on hot chicks in their underwear. That looked pretty cool.
What type of vehicle would you invent and what would you call it? If it already exists, name it.
- I just want one of those flying cars the Sci-Fi industry has been promising.
If you had to wear Multicam Alpine or Multicam Tropic head-to-toe the rest of your life, which would it be?
- That’s a tough one. I live in the north, so Alpine would be effective camo for at least half the year. Plus, it could make for a badass-looking suit. But Tropic is probably more practical for the majority of times. Fuck it: Alpine.
What is your favorite form of physical exercise?
- Weightlifting
If you were left alone in the Rockies for a week, what 2 items would you pack for defense?
- Lightsaber and the BFG from Doom.
What is your motto?
- “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”
Everyday carry of choice?
- Sig P365
What’s filling your OTTE Gear Packing Cube?
- Training tools for teaching classes and sex toys.
If money not an option, gun of choice?
- M41A Pulse Rifle
Favorite OTTE piece and why?
- Patrol Parka. It’s a great shell garment that I wear with various layers underneath. Plus mine is Multicam Black. It’s almost too sexy.
Patrol guy or Alpine guy?
- Definitely Patrol. Fighting in the cold sucks.