Grab a Beer VOLUME 6 with Joe Savio

We met October's GAB Friend at the range and have been friends ever since: Joe Savio. @savior_gst
We met Joe Savio on the range a while back and were instantly charmed by his skills and his humor. He is the owner of GST Training & Consulting, partner in Modern Materiel, the first and only New Jersey AR-15 manufacturer focusing on law enforcement, and Relations Manager for Holosun Optics among other firearms and defense industry companies. Drummer/Shooter/Tequila connoisseur...clearly he is a very good guy to know.
We met Joe Savio on the range a while back and were instantly charmed by his skills and his humor. He is the owner of GST Training & Consulting, partner in Modern Materiel, the first and only New Jersey AR-15 manufacturer focusing on law enforcement, and Relations Manager for Holosun Optics among other firearms and defense industry companies. Drummer/Shooter/Tequila connoisseur...clearly he is a very good guy to know.
- What is your happy place? Camping in the mountains/Rangetime
- What do you avoid at all costs? Public Swimming Pools
- What is the trait you most dislike in yourself? Procrastination
- What is the trait you most dislike in others? Ego
- Which living person do you most admire? My Father
- What was your state of mind as you walked into this bar? Introspective
- On what occasion do you lie (we know you NEVER do)? To protect someone
- Which living person would you put on a dinghy and push out to sea? Do I have to pick just one?
- Which words or phrases do you say waaaay too much? Fuck
- What can’t you live without? Seafood
- What do you consider your greatest achievement? Getting a Record Deal
- Where would you most like to live in retirement? Northeast Mountains
- What is the most essential piece of gear for your passion? Firearms
- What would people say is your most prominent visual characteristic? Fuck I don’t know
- If you had to wear Multicam Alpine or Multicam Tropic head-to-toe the rest of your life, which would it be? Tropic Definitely
- If you were left alone in the Rockies for a week, what 2 items would you pack for defense? Knife / AR15
- What is your motto? Embrace the Grind
- Everyday carry of choice? Shadow Systems MR918
- What’s filling your OTTE Gear Packing Cube? My DK Jacket, Hard-Shell Patrol Parka, Alpine trousers, and Aloha Narcos Playa shirt
- If money not an option, gun of choice? Custom 6.5 Precision Rig
- Favorite OTTE piece and why? Patrol Parka – It’s so bomb proof. I’ve been on the range in all types of crazy NE weather and stayed dry and warm.